5 New Year’s Resolutions All CEOs Must Make

As 2011 draws to a close, it’s an excellent time to reflect on the previous year and carefully consider where potential lies in yourself and your company for 2012.To that end, Lantern Partners has compiled a list of 5 Resolutions All CEOs Must Make while directing their company into the New Year.

Though experienced leaders are likely to be already familiar with the following tips, it’s always valuable to have a memory refresher while taking time to honestly scrutinize where improvements can be made, and then create a strategy for making those needed leaps and bounds forward as smoothly as possible.

  1. Take initiative. Don’t let outside factors keep you stagnant or slow the pace of your self-motivation. Choose to guide, rather than be guided. After all, you’re a leader. Act accordingly.
  2. Keep in the loop. Nothing is static. Having a finger solidly on the pulse of changes and current trends in your industry is integral to success. But don’t forget to look to the future, as well, to keep your company ahead of the curve. In addition, focus your sights inward and remain tapped into the ways your own team is evolving, improving and widening its skill set. Like your industry, which experiences various transitions and metamorphoses over time, your team is constantly evolving as well. It takes some skillful observation, but being well attuned to the strengths, weaknesses and progress of your employees, and utilizing these properly will yield great payoffs.
  3. Listen. What are your clients saying? What are your employees saying? Make yourself someone who is approachable and open to conversation.
  4. Be Flexible. Along with being a good listener, being flexible is also an indispensable quality. Once you’ve heard the voices of your clients and employees, be open to implementing changes. Don’t fix what isn’t broken, but understand that acting dynamically will only help you and your company grow and mature over time.
  5. Foster innovation. Recognize that innovation should be a constant presence in your business. Encourage employees to be forward-thinking, all while understanding that you must provide adequate time, manpower and resources to cultivate advancement.

Make these resolutions a reality and help start your company off on the right foot in the first quarter, and that starts at the top.

All of us here at Lantern Partners would like to wish you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year. We will have plenty of news to share with all of you in the coming months, including our new website. Be sure to check it out.