Recruitment Completion: CEO for The HDF Group

The Board of Directors of The HDF Group, an organization dedicated to the sustainable development and support of open source HDF (Hierarchical Data Format) technologies, retained Lantern Partners to recruit a commercially-oriented, technology savvy CEO to replace its retiring Founder and CEO. We are pleased to announce that David Pearah is the new CEO and…

Tim Fagan, President & CEO

It is always a pleasure to work with the Lantern team. Their process — from how well they understand our needs, how thoroughly they vet candidates, their ability to source candidates from all over the country, and the quality of their counsel — is simply top notch. If I need to add senior-level executives to…

How Netflix CEO Reed Hastings Mounted a Comeback

In the fall of 2011, Reed Hastings found himself mired in trouble. As the CEO of the struggling on-demand video business, Hastings had just learned that during the third quarter, Netflix lost roughly 200,000 subscribers. At the same time, shares continued a nosedive, from $300 earlier in the year to $94 by October. That summer,…

Best & Worst CEO Strategic Direction 2012

As we move forward into the new year, we’d like to take just a moment to reflect on some of the best- and worst-performing CEOs of 2012. May we learn from their triumphs and mistakes, making for a better 2013. Best — Howard Schultz, Starbucks. Just a few years ago, Starbucks fell prey to its…

Meeting Agenda: The CEO Time Crunch

“It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste.” – Henry Ford According to a recent Wall Street Journal report Where’s The Boss?, CEOs are spending about one-third of their time in meetings. When the study calculated other tasks, such as email, lunches, phone calls, personal time, etc.,…

Are Co-CEOs a Good Idea?

Does shared power work? Does it create accountability and diversity of thought, or does it create a potential for power struggles and egocentric infighting? With the announcement that the Co-CEOs of RIM, the makers of BlackBerry devices, were stepping down after the once-proud company has suffered through massive loss of market share, this question is…

5 New Year’s Resolutions All CEOs Must Make

As 2011 draws to a close, it’s an excellent time to reflect on the previous year and carefully consider where potential lies in yourself and your company for 2012.To that end, Lantern Partners has compiled a list of 5 Resolutions All CEOs Must Make while directing their company into the New Year. Though experienced leaders…

Why Veterans Make Good Executives

Johnson & Johnson’s Alex Gorsky. Procter & Gamble’s Robert A. McDonald. FedEx’s Fred Smith. These current and retired CEOs are alike in that they have all brought invaluable military service experiences to their executive leadership roles. And these are just three of many successful executives with military ties. “For decades, former generals or officers frequently…