How The Forbes Impact 30 Affects Your Company

I am proud to be a board member of Genesys Works, which was recently named to the first-ever Forbes Impact 30,  a list of the Top 30 Social Entrepreneurs. Forbes defines social entrepreneur as “a person who uses business to solve social issues.”

The Impact 30 hail from around the globe, from Trenton to Nairobi, but all are united in their belief that businesses have the structure, talent and know-how to take on social problems and create lasting impact. It’s a proud day to be a board member of an elite entrepreneurial success-story like Genesys Works and to see how our work is being recognized.

Founder and CEO Rafael Alvarez of Houston-based Genesys Works harnesses the power of business professionals and networks to help economically disadvantaged high school students gain experience and make career connections in the IT world.

Being a part of an Impact 30 organization is validation that all of the hard work and sacrifice myself, the rest of the board and the incredible staff of employees and volunteers are putting into creating a better world.

How does this work affect you?

Looking beyond altruistic motivations, the value of organizations like those on the Impact 30 extends beyond the individuals, their families and communities.

To be competitive, you need the best talent under your roof, and that talent can come from anywhere. Genysys Works provides an entry point for qualified kids to enter to the professional workforce, and the value they bring is more than the sum of its parts.

Diversity of thought, background, skill sets and world-views are important for a healthy company, from the entry-level up through Directors, VPs and the C Suite. If you are cultivating a homogenous workforce, you become an echo chamber and can miss valuable feedback and perspective as your company works to grow.

Thanks to Forbes for seeing and acknowledging this important and often unseen part of the business world that invests in tomorrow by creating a better world today. To see the full Impact 30 list, click here.

Paul C. Maranville, Managing Partner
About Paul C. Maranville, Managing Partner
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