Key Performance Indicators of Good Leadership

Good leadership is defined by results and the overall effectiveness of a team. If a company is reaping profits and functioning well on the employee level, chances are, an executive who knows what he or she is doing is running it.

If you want to improve your managerial skills and contribute to your business’ success, the following are key performance indicators you should be focusing on.

The ability to take responsibility

According to Greg Alston, author of “The BossHole Effect,” excellent bosses will always acknowledge when they make mistakes and will try to fix them. They don’t fault employees for everything that goes wrong. When something negative does occur, bosses are there for support and take the blame for failures. On the flip side, if positive changes happen in the workspace, great bosses praise their employees and don’t take all the credit. They acknowledge that it was a team effort.

Online competency 

Consumers are online, researching small businesses and figuring out where they should spend their money. Many companies are using social media and blogs to market their products and connect with customers. They’re also utilizing online stores to increase sales and reach a wider audience. Executives should be in the know about all the latest techniques being used to promote businesses online and encourage employees to explore the space, as well. In today’s world, it’s crucial that companies keep up with the rapidly changing digital world.

Skill mapping

When hiring new employees, executives should perform skill mapping (otherwise known as competency mapping) tests. Staffing firms and human resources sectors of companies use skill mapping to determine who is the best fit for a position. It’s also utilized whenever executives look to improve their businesses by strengthening their teams. Skill mapping allows a business to effectively compete with other businesses in the market.

Some key indicators of competency include being able to break down problems and figure out solutions, having an open mind when it comes to experimenting, and asking questions to expand knowledge. If you have these qualities, and you can identify them in your employees, your business will flow more smoothly and see much more success.

The ability to lead is not necessarily intuitive. It takes practice, patience, and a willingness to change if the situation calls for it. If you’re flexible and always striving for better, you’ll be a great leader.