Professional Social Network News: LinkedIn, Twitter Partnership Ends

LinkedIn page in browser window

Professionals using both LinkedIn and Twitter may be surprised to learn that they’ll now no longer be able to sync the two accounts. Previously, users of both social channels were able to send their Twitter posts directly to a feed on their LinkedIn page, giving real-time updates on industry observations, professional discussions, and any other “tweet-worthy” news they happened to post in their streams.

As most professionals aren’t changing their jobs or job descriptions every few days or so, the linking of these two accounts was a powerful way to keep a professional LinkedIn page looking fresh and updated. That, and it kept the professional profiles brimming with the personality and expertise of users’ professional brands.

According to LinkedIn’s blog, the three-year relationship between LinkedIn and Twitter has ended as Twitter becomes more intent on “providing the core Twitter consumption experience through a consistent set of products and tools.” This doesn’t come as much of a surprise, as Twitter has been changing directions in order to become more consistent for some time. For example, last year Twitter suspended the development of third-party apps, like TweetDeck (which was acquired by Twitter), so users will have to go directly through Twitter to update, rather than through other apps. This was in an effort to create more consistency, according to PC Mag.

LinkedIn’s blog goes on to say that the accounts can still be linked, albeit in a slightly different and more cumbersome manner. To automatically make updates on both social networks, LinkedIn instructs users to write updates on their LinkedIn pages, check the box with the Twitter icon, then “Share.” Doing so will push users’ LinkedIn updates to their Twitter pages.

How will these changes affect your LinkedIn page?