Quick Tips To Help You Do Your Best Work

Executive juggling

As an executive, you are expected to take on a heavy load of responsibilities. While you likely have plenty of experience and the competencies required to juggle this intense workload, it’s not sustainable for you to work on draining projects at a feverish pace all day, every day.

If you feel as if you are spinning your wheels, you may need to take a moment to reassess and revitalize your approach to work. To get started, try the following tips:

Dress the part. As the saying goes, “When you look good, you feel good.” Consciously devoting some time and effort to your appearance can inspire confidence that will help make your work sharper.

Learn how you work best, and stick to that program. You may work best when you get organized and settle into a regimented routine in a certain physical location or during a certain time of day. On the other hand, your work may benefit from a change of scenery or a more free-flowing approach. It’s up to you to use trial and error to figure out which techniques work best, and then make the most of them.

Get ample sleep. For optimal professional performance, you need to be getting enough rest. Aim for seven or eight hours of sleep each night. You run the risk of your work suffering from declining quality if you burn the midnight oil too often.

Make physical activity a priority. Break up tough days at work with some exercise, even if it’s just a brisk walk. Remember that your mind is a part of your body; a revitalizing boost for your body can improve your concentration, creativity, and efficiency.

Give yourself breaks. Step away from your work every so often. According to Stanford University’s Department of Environmental Health & Safety, one should conduct repetitive computer projects for a maximum of 30 minutes at a time, with two-minute breaks in between. During these breaks, you can grab a cup of coffee, stand up and make a call, or walk to a colleague’s office to discuss a collaboration. You’ll return to your projects refreshed and ready to go.